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Information about Kitchen Hero

How it works

How it works

1. Create a listing 

Listings can be FOR RENT or WANT TO RENT under listing type when creating a listing. 

2. Be as detailed as possible

Include as much details as possible, including available timings, equipment availability, charges for utilities and gas as well as any other information that might be relevant.

3. Get matched with suitable partners

See a listing that's suitable? Contact the listing owner right away and be on your way to a sucessful partnership. Our service is free to use though we request that should you find our services useful, do consider making a donation here to keep the site running.

Important Notes: We strongly encourage all prospective tenants to have attended the Basic Hygiene course and to strictly adhere to hygiene best practices. Also, in light of COVID-19, please adhere to mandatory temperature taking exercises as well as social distancing measures when working.